Thursday, December 29, 2016

Banana Bread

Hello you, whoever you are.

 You might not know anything about me, but one thing you should know is I like food. Every kind really, sweets, ribs, sushi, fried chicken, foie gras, peanut kale salads, you name it. However, being a single graduate student living in a college town in the midwest, one does not have too many choices. Hence one learnt to cook, bake and what not to somewhat satisfy one's cravings whenever one wants. One needs to stop writing sentences like the previous one. On this blog, I will be posting recipes which I find easy to make, on days when every excuse to not eat at home is exactly that, an excuse. At least that is the plan should this blog continue for more than one post. Also, I do not have a camera that one would normally use to take high exposure pictures of insects, so my pictures will be singularly unappealing and positively drab, but at least your expectations will be managed, should you choose to follow the recipes i post here. That, is most important.

This post is about a recipe for making bread of the fruit of the banana tree. You need :

1. 3 bananas
2. 1 egg
3. half cup unsalted butter (sub: canola oil, applesauce, any vegetable oil. DO NOT USE OLIVE OIL. SMELLS AWFUL)
4. 1.5 cups flour which can be used for all purposes.
5. 1 cup sugar.
6. 1 teaspoon baking powder.
7. 1/4th teaspoon salt.
8. 1/2 teaspoon spice used in cinnamon rolls.
9. (optional) 1/2 teaspoon vanilla.

for TLDR:  bake temp: 350 F,  bake time: 55-60 mins. 

So I sat down to read a thesis on communicating parallel process and began mashing the bananas. Note, that bananas you bought a week ago and forgot to eat are the best kind for such a project.

I might be able to read 4 pages of this . Maybe like 8 on this screen. Mash them bananas best you can . I used a guacamole mash thingy to do so. Once you have done that, add the butter and sugar and mix.

At this point, you're holding a bowl of happiness. Bananas, butter, sugar. What's not to love. Also, at this point, start pre-heating your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. That is about 175 degrees Celsius. You could also pre-heat your oven earlier, in case you take less time than me doing all this. It is not really possible if you are really reading that paper.  Now add the egg you procured.

That tiny whisk is for hot chocolate, but I re-purposed it to beat the egg into the mix. You could do this with a fork or a spoon or a spork. Once you have mixed the egg into the butter-sugar-banana mix, in a separate but equally ugly container, mix the all purpose flour, salt, baking powder, and cinnamon. Mix properly, I do not know what sifting entails, so i don't do it. Doesn't seem essential. 

 Now add half of the dry stuff into the egg-sugar-butter-banana mix, and mix until you don't see any dry bits of flour. Then mix the other half in so that everything is a goopy mix. Slightly disgusting and smelling really awesome. Resist temptation to lick spoon as the lone raw egg in the mix could give you salmonella.

Mistakes were made. Here is the process of separating dough from whisk. Error by observation is about 5%. 

Now that your oven has beeped once, and you have mixed everything until it looks like Gwyneth Paltrow's hipster company, grease a loaf pan. If like me, you don't possess a loaf pan, grease a (mostly clean) cake tin. If you don't have that, then you should get a pyrex thingy you use in the microwave. If you don't have that, then you need to go to the grocery store and get something to do this. I used olive oil to do this, but you can use any oil. Or butter. Try not to use butter though, it might burn the edges more than you want it to.

Start praying that your oven heats evenly. Tap the tin/pan/pyrex thingy to make the surface kind of flat. This is what mine looked like:

Set the timer for 54 minutes and wait like you want to meet Godot.

As I waited, the entire house started smelling like bananas. And it made me hungry. So I decided to eat something healthy, 'cause delicious banana bread is not that healthy. 

Didn't seem like enough, so I added bread and newly discovered fig preserves to my pre-snack snack. 

 FINALLY. Timer beeped four times. Take out your tin/pan/pyrex thingy, and remember to use oven mitts/super thick cloth covering as the alternative is painful. I normally like my banana bread to be a bit more brown, but I stuck a fork in it and that came out clean, so .

It was some super banana-ey banana bread. I had to get a bigger plate because I just flipped the tin. It wasn't sweet enough for me, so I added some maple syrup while eating my slice. Yes, I had just the one. If someone has easier/faster recipe for banana bread, (not from mix) , please make some and give me. Thanks.
I finished reading the paper though. One hour turned out to be long enough. 

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